Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Second Place Is Still a Podium Finish
Now, back to the original story that I found. Dark matter has been the focus of much research recently, with the main goal being to physically detect it (or at least its presence). A group of researchers, many of whom hailed from Fermilab, built a detector that would identify the presence of a particular type of dark matter called weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs). It was thought that the WIMPs would occasionally pass through the detector, vibrationally exciting the Germanium nuclei within, creating an observable signal transduction event. Analysis of such events have resulted in the tentative conclusion that WIMPs are responsible for the signals, although there is a 23% chance that the signals were instead from background radiation within the mine.
Although their conclusions are somewhat premature, we should probably give this research group some slack considering the signal transduction events are extremely rare (it is thought that, at most, a WIMP would contact the detector once or twice a year). Also, it's exciting to see big news like this coming out of Fermilab. They have, after all, been upstaged by CERN's particle accelerator, the LHC. You'll remember that in a previous post, I mentioned that the LHC had reached a power of 1.18 trillion electronvolts, making it the largest and most powerful particle accelerator in the world. That title was stripped from Fermilab's Tevatron particle accelerator, which had held the record of being the largest and most powerful accelerator since it became operational in 1983. The machine has also led to major discoveries of elementary particles during its lifetime that have come to be staples of subatomic physics research and education. Despite its rich history, however, the Tevatron must soon go the way of Old Yeller. Because even though second place is a podium finish, in the world of particle accelerators it just means that you're obsolete. So Fermilab is in the process of shutting down their landmark accelerator.
And with New Year's eve right around the corner, it may be appropriate to raise our glasses to the Tevatron, for its many years of proud service.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
They're Just Really Big Cameras, Really
In essence, the thing is going to circle the planet over our heads for a few months, constantly snapping pictures, until it has photographed the entire night sky. The really cool thing about this, though, is that it will be doing so pretty far out into the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum rather than in the visible wavelength range. Why is this cool? Well, we can see lots of neat heavenly bodies with telescopes here on Earth and with those outside the atmosphere, like the Hubble, but we're only seeing objects that emit a lot of light, mostly in the UV, visible, and near-infrared range. The WISE craft will be taking images in the wavelenth range of 3.4 - 22 micron, and with unprecedented clarity. What this means is that the craft will be able to image things that don't necessarily emit visible light, but instead emit heat. So it is expected that many undiscovered objects will be found, such as asteroids, failed stars, and planets, just to name a few. And it's going to do this for the entire night sky, as observed from Earth.
And speaking of infrared imaging of space, things seem to be coming along nicely with NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). The Webb Telescope is the observatory that is slated to take the place of the Hubble Space Telescope in 2014. It will take over the tasks of the Hubble, but with infrared-optimized equipment. Like the Hubble, it will take pretty pictures of distant extraterrestrial objects, but it will also be capable of analyzing those objects much more thoroughly. In fact, using spectral analysis techniques - sort of like the now-common mass spectroscopy techniques used to determine the chemical make-up of all sorts of things in laboratories all over the world - to examine far-off planets, it is hoped that the Webb scope will be able to find places that could potentially harbor life.
NASA has posted all kinds of interesting facts and information about the upcoming space telescope on their website. However, I would recommend keeping an eye on their YouTube page, which as of right now, has a couple of really great videos. I would imagine, though, that as pieces are developed and assembled and as the telescope begins to take shape, we'll be seeing more videos uploaded. I won't exactly be waiting with bated breat, since I'm going to miss the Hubble (I mean, I kind of feel like we grew up together). But what can I say? The videos are pretty cool.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Climate Change and Cancer Imaging: A Big Week In The World of Science
Having said that, I couldn't resist posting this video that I found on the Science News website. The video is from a presentation by Erik Sahai, a researcher at the London Research Institute, that was given at the annual meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology in San Diego. Although the details of their imaging method are still a bit unclear to me, this research group was able to conclude that signaling by the cytokine TGF-beta is responsible for single-cell metastasis in breast cancer using real-time fluorescence imaging analysis. For clarity, the abstract from the ASCB meeting has been quoted below:
If, like me, you didn't totally understand every single little tiny syllable of the abstract, have no fear. Without knowing all of the background of the project, the video is still pretty cool. And the caption explains a lot. And so, without further ado, I give you a rare look at the process of cancer metastasis:
Imaging the metastatic process
E. Sahai1; S. Giampieri1
1. Tumour Cell Biology Laboratory, Cancer Research UK London Research Institute, London, United Kingdom.
Cancer cells can invade surrounding tissue either as single cells or in collective units. We use intravital imaging to demonstrate a reversible transition to a motile state as breast cancer cells spread. Imaging primary tumours reveals heterogeneity in cell morphology and motility. Two distinct modes of motility are observed: collective and single-celled. By monitoring the localisation of Smad2 and the activity of a TGFβ-dependent reporter gene during breast cancer cell dissemination we demonstrate that TGFβ signalling is transiently and locally activated in motile single cells. TGFβ1 switches cells from cohesive to single cell motility through a transcriptional programme involving Smad4, EGFR, Nedd9, and numerous regulators of actomyosin contraction: M-RIP, FARP and RhoC. In contrast, different regulators of the actomyosin cytoskeleton are used during collective invasion. Blockade of TGFβ signalling prevents cells moving singly in vivo but does not inhibit cells moving collectively. Cells restricted to collective invasion are capable of lymphatic invasion but not blood-borne metastasis. Constitutive TGFβ signalling promotes single cell motility and intravasation but reduces subsequent growth in the lungs. Thus, transient TGFβ signalling is optimal for blood-borne metastasis.
How cancer cells move and spread from Science News on Vimeo.
Breast cancer cells (shown in green) individually peel off from the main tumor when they get a "go" signal from a type of growth factor called TGF-beta. Cells can also move in clumps, but that migration is not controlled by TGF-beta, shows a new study presented at the American Society for Cell Biology annual meeting. Immune cells called macrophages are shown in red and connective tissue appears in cyan and magenta.
Credit: Erik Sahai - Cancer Research UK
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Let's Smash Some Stuff! Update Style!
I don't think I need to, but I'm going to say it again: how freakin' cool is that?!
Fight the Power
In response, leading scientists, researchers, and students hastily arranged a meeting at the University of Tokyo to discuss the cuts and the detriment that it would cause. But this phenomenon isn't limited to Japan. It often amazes me how short-sighted politicians and their brethren can be; no matter what country they hail from. Every time the going gets tough, when the economy falters, one of the first things that gets the axe is scientific research funding. What they don't realize is that this funding is what drives future economic prosperity, since it not only leads to future production when the research comes to fruition, but also funds the students that make up the next generation of great minds. Frustrating, just frustrating.
The Tokyo meeting, despite being arranged the night before the meeting was held, ended up drawing a huge crowd. It's reported that the outpouring of protest was staggering, and it's hoped that the attendees, who came from across the country to join the protests, will be able to sway the government from making the cuts that have been recommended.
I personally hope that the protests make a difference, but what this article really got me thinking about is what would happen if our federal government made such proposals. Would the members of the scientific community mobilize? Would national meetings, so heavily attended that they would be standing-room only, take place? Would American Nobel laureates call to arms their fellow researchers? Would students hold protests across the nation?
It's something to think about, to be sure. But we academic types are the minority. So perhaps the more important, though scarier, question is this: would anybody else care?
Or even notice?