Monday, March 1, 2010

Procrastination and Dereliction

As some may have noticed, I have been consistently neglecting this blog for the past couple of weeks. First of all, I would like to apologize for doing so, as I had promised myself that I would update with a new post at least once a week. I've fallen short of this goal as of late. Second, I would like to go ahead and provide lame excuses for why I have not been tending to my affairs.

My primary excuse is that my current research project has faltered slightly - although it has really been a one-step-forward-two-steps-back sort of dance from the beginning. This would not normally be a problem, but I have a proceedings manuscript that must be submitted early next week so that I can attend an upcoming conference. As of right now, the amount of data that I have available for this manuscript is approximately So not only am I putting up a data-gathering blitz, but I'm also preparing to write a full-length manuscript. In addition, I just received reviewer comments back from a major peer-reviewed journal to which I had submitted a paper. The reviewer requests are lengthy, and include significant editing of the paper, as well as fresh new experiments to be tacked on.

In all, I'm basically just saying that I'm very busy. But it's very important that I submit my proceedings manuscript on time. This manuscript will ensure my position as a presenter at the SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing conference in April. And I'm looking forward to taking some good notes and reporting back on some of the totally wicked stuff that is showcased at this event. In the meantime, I'll try to be more attentive to my blog. With any luck, I'll have time to add a real, live worthwhile post at the end of this week.

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