Monday, May 17, 2010

Maximum Overdrive 2: Attack of the Zombie Satellite

Once again, I have been neglecting my blog. I'd like to think that my reason for being absent was a sound one though: I got married. So for those of you who have been referring to me as miss must now refer to me as mister...or something like that.

Unfortunately, while I was absent the greatest story for a nerdy, science fiction-loving blogger broke, and so it is only now that I've been able to get around to posting about it. The story is best summed up by the headline that ran on the Christian Science Monitor's website: 'Zombie' Satellite Runs Amok in Earth's Orbit. Seriously, I couldn't make this stuff up if I wanted to.

That's right folks; a zombie satellite. It's believed that the communications satellite named Galaxy 15 lost contact with its handlers after a solar flare toasted it early last week. However, despite having lost communication with home base, it's still operating at full capacity. It's still, you know, doing stuff. That doesn't mean that we terrestrial beings have anything to fear from what is being referred to as the 'zombiesat.' At least, we shouldn't fear for our lives or our safety. We do have one thing to fear, though, as a Discovery News contributor is speculating that the zombiesat could potentially interrupt airing of the series finale of 'Lost.' And that, people, would be a fate far worse than death.

All kidding aside (not really), there may be something larger going on here. I, for one, don't believe these so-called experts who claim that the satellite's communication was knocked out by a solar flare for one stinking minute. Actually, I'm pretty sure that we all know what's going to happen here, and that there's only one man who can save us. A lot of people may think that I'm talking about Bruce Willis or President Barack Obama. But alas, these men cannot help us out of this particular situation. No, friends, our only hope now is Emilio Estevez. Because I've heard a story not so different from this one before, and it has a name: Maximum Overdrive.

1 comment:

  1. I love the brain/blood splatter all over the front of the ice cream truck. Was that a half a bike sticking out of its grill? love it.
