Monday, November 1, 2010

Curiosity Didn't Kill the Cat, But It Could if It Wanted To

Oh wow. I can't believe it's been over a month since I've updated this thing. But I guess that's how it goes when you're preparing for a final defense and trying to pin down a job for after graduation. Add my current position as live-in babysitter and sprinkle in a little part-time work in the lab getting a pilot study going, and you've got a daily schedule that leaves very little room for blogging.

For those who are interested, my final defense will be November 10th at 10:00am in room 259 of the Agriculture Engineering Building. The defense presentation will be public, so come by if you'd like.

Now for my main reason for creating this post: as a follower of NASA's Twitter feed, I was informed of this live video of the assembly of the next generation Mars rover, called Curiosity. I believe that the folks you see working in the clean room are currently assembling the robotic arm of the rover at the time of posting this. If you're getting to this post, and therefore the link, much later than when this update was posted, I'm not sure what you'll see. But it appears as though you'll find some sort of rover assembly at that URL for quite some time. Anyways, it's pretty awesome, so I recommend checking it out.

Posting will probably continue to be intermittent (or nonexistent) for at least the next week and a half or so. I will try to begin adding regular updates after my defense, but it will be crunch time for getting a job and moving, so we'll see how it goes. Until next time, enjoy watching assembly of the Mars rover...or whatever else happens to be at that particular URL when you click the link.

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