Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Getting Into It

I've been trying to broaden by horizons a little bit by expanding the number and scope of other blogs that I read each morning. A while back I posted a list of the blogs that I've been reading as I sit down with a cup of coffee to check my email and take care of other morning duties. I guess it's now time to add another recommendation to the list. I've been getting into a blog called The Evolving Scientist. The blog is authored by a group of five graduate students at the University of Kentucky, which I have a bit of fondness for as I spent some time on the UK campus when my then-girlfriend, now-wife was working at the Frankfort State-Journal.

The authors of The Evolving Scientist do some fun things with their blog. The tag line changes almost daily but retains a theme of 'five guys with a love of science.' I should note here that they've added another author to the list within the last few days, and this addition has made their tag line a little misleading. Not only is the group now composed of six authors, but the newest author is female. So I guess it's more like 'five guys and one chick with a love of science.'

Anyways, the blog is lighthearted and enjoyable to read. The authors are all biologists, though, so I only have a passing interest in their more technical entries. They also feature a podcast, which I must admit, I have not listened to. It seems as though this is the centerpiece of the blog, and I may be totally missing out on something. But I prefer to spend my mornings reading rather than plugging earbuds into my head and zoning out. And you can forget about listening and reading simultaneously. I wouldn't retain information from either source. It would be as if I hadn't read the blog or heard the podcast. My brain would just sort of shut down. It does that more often than I'd like to admit.

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